
unusual facts about The Apartments

Laughing Clowns

Ed Kuepper reformed the band during the course of the year minus Millar, and added Peter Milton Walsh of The Apartments whose commitment to the band was only for twelve months.

see also

Development aid

The apartments were unpopular and only 1,102 out of the 9,992 planned buildings were built (see Ng'ambo).

Francis Brerewood

He enjoyed the patronage of Benedict Calvert, 4th Baron Baltimore, painting portraits of Lord Baltimore's son Benedict, and decorating the apartments of the Calvert family seat at Woodcote Park.

Glenn Miller discography

Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman lived in the same suite at the time in the apartments in The Whitby in New York whose number was 1411.

Jean Racine

A room in Pyrrhus's palace at Buthrotum; an antechamber separating the apartments of Titus and Bérénice in Rome; Agamemnon's camp at Aulis; an antechamber in the temple at Jerusalem: by choosing such vague and remote settings Racine gives his plays a universal character, and the presentation of conflicting and hesitating states of mind is not hampered by an undue insistence on material surroundings.

Kelham Island Quarter

The apartments of the development enjoy riverside views and occupy buildings named Clifton, Millau, and Rialto after the famous bridges.

Moritzburg Castle

The apartments contain examples of opulence in the lacquered and ornate furniture, such as the Augsburg-made silver furniture styled after Louis XIV's silver furniture at Versailles.

No. 1 Deansgate

The apartments are above a retail level, 16 metres high, and are supported by raking steel tubular columns in a manner reminiscent of Rotterdam's De Brug building.

Pszczyna Castle

When ascending the Grand Staircase, designed by Alexandre Destailleur, the apartments of Princess Mary Theresa Olivia Cornwallis-West von Pless are reached.

Victor Llona

He met them in the apartments of Gertrude Stein (1874–1946) and Peggy Guggenheim (1898–1979) or at the English library of Sylvia Beach (1887–1962), the first publisher in 1922 of James Joyce's Ulysses.

Villa Farnese

Two facades of the pentagonal arrangement face the two gardens cut into the hill; each garden is accessed across the moat by a drawbridge from the apartments on the piano nobile and each is a parterre garden of box topiary with fountains.