During the months that Colin's crew in Birhat labor to get the Imperial Guard up and running, the scouts duel the Earth forces, hurling asteroid after asteroid at the shield while whittling down the fortresses and ships, all in preparation for their final blow: hurling the entire moon of Iapetus down the gravity well of Sol at high speed, and aimed directly at Earth.
Armageddon | Inheritance tax | Inheritance | inheritance | Armageddon 2001 | Mendelian inheritance | Armageddon (1998 film) | Universal Order of Armageddon | Inheritance Cycle | Inheritance (computer science) | Armageddon in Retrospect | armageddon | Wildstorm: Armageddon | Partible inheritance | Non-mendelian inheritance | Mortal Kombat: Armageddon | Mendel's Laws of Inheritance | inheritance tax | Inheritance of acquired characteristics | Inheritance (2006 film) | Armageddon (film) |