However, the reason Donald Knuth gave for creating the TeX typesetting system was his dismay on receiving the proofs of a new edition of his book The Art of Computer Programming at the unreadability of the then new close-fitted phototypesetting technology, which he described as "awful" due to its "poor spacing".
3 of his The Art of Computer Programming gave a listing showing the operation of around 40 rules, of which "Mc = Mac" was one, for library card sorting.
Mayland Long, an Asian gentleman, who is skilled in languages, including those used for computer programming (he settles down to read Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming with a “contented sigh”) and who may be a transformed 2,000 year old Chinese dragon, aids Martha in her search for her daughter.
Museum of Modern Art | Art Deco | Metropolitan Museum of Art | Art Institute of Chicago | Java (programming language) | San Francisco Museum of Modern Art | National Gallery of Art | Honolulu Museum of Art | Apple Computer | Computer Science | Whitney Museum of American Art | Los Angeles County Museum of Art | computer | computer science | Art Nouveau | Royal College of Art | 3D computer graphics | Walker Art Center | personal computer | art | Glasgow School of Art | Museum of Contemporary Art | Mainframe computer | Philadelphia Museum of Art | Computer network | Python (programming language) | Smithsonian American Art Museum | Computer-generated imagery | Art Students League of New York | Denver Art Museum |
Therefore, Donald Knuth, who has read Renault's article, will credit Mirimanoff instead of André in future printings of Volume 1 of his monograph The Art of Computer Programming.