One of the first displays of computer animation was Futureworld (1976), which included an animation of a human face and a hand that had originally appeared in the 1971 experimental short A Computer Animated Hand, created by University of Utah students Edwin Catmull and Fred Parke.
CIIT - Philippines College of Arts and Technology, formerly Cosmopoint International Institute of Technology, is a private, non-sectarian college in the Philippines that offers specialized and industry-based learning in the fields of multimedia arts, computer graphics, 3D animation, game development, software engineering, and information technology.
Started 7 January 2008, CNBC-TV18 had patterned its graphics, some parts of the lower-thirds, title cards to the main network (CNBC) in the United States and unlike the regional channel, its graphics are in 3d.
Then, without the use of any computer or 3-D program, he translates them into spatial objects.
Using the latest RFID technologies integrated with its patent-pending LightsOn software, the company enables users to visualize their environment in 3D.
Euclideon Pty Ltd is an Australian computer software company best known for an unreleased middleware 3D graphics engine, called Unlimited Detail.
The program uses advanced production technology and 3D effects under the management of production house Aisha Enterprises, Inc.
It is accompanied by a digital dome projection system that provides a 3-D visualization of the universe based on images generated in real time by a Silicon Graphics supercomputer.
They struck gold with the revolutionary 3D Monster Maze, the first 3D game for a home computer, which John Greye suggested they produce after seeing a basic 3D Maze that Evans had programmed in Z80 Assembler.
When he realized the enormous costs and effort that would be involved in performing such a project (which included such tableaux as a gigantic hand pulling a sword from the ocean and a helicopter flying over the Great Wall of China), Wilson and producer Jed Wheeler began looking into creating the entire visual end of the production with 3D computer graphics.
Kuvaev worked as a designer in several studios, in "computer gaming" industry as 3D animator and modeler, as web-designer, even java-programmer, in his free time experimenting with various computer technologies including freshly appearing vector animation (macromedia flash).
He is known as the original creator of the open-source 3D creation suite Blender and Traces (An Amiga ray tracer which was the forerunner of Blender), he is also known as the chairman of the Blender Foundation, and for pioneering large scale open-content projects.
Virtual colonoscopy (VC, also called CT Colonography or CT Pneumocolon) is a medical imaging procedure which uses x-rays and computers to produce two- and three-dimensional images of the colon (large intestine) from the lowest part, the rectum, all the way to the lower end of the small intestine and display them on a screen.
Apple Computer | Computer Science | computer | computer science | 3D computer graphics | personal computer | Mainframe computer | Computer network | Computer-generated imagery | Silicon Graphics | Computer programming | Sony Computer Entertainment | Computer hardware | 2D computer graphics | Computer science | Portable Network Graphics | Hacker (computer security) | Enhanced Graphics Adapter | Computer Sciences Corporation | Computer program | Personal Computer | Color Graphics Adapter | computer program | Slave Labor Graphics | Computer file | mainframe computer | computer security | Prime Computer | IEEE Computer Society | IBM Personal Computer |
This GPU features 3D acceleration based upon Microsoft Direct3D 8.1 and OpenGL 1.3, a major improvement in features and performance compared to the preceding Radeon R100 design.
A 3D version, drawn by JungleManGeorge, of the Bank Of Guyana is also seen featured on Google Earth.
Early in the company's history, it worked with the American Systems Corporation under a contract from the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) to replace naval training videos for aircraft launch operations with interactive 3D computer simulations featuring DI-Guy characters.
A 3D racing game, "Demon Driver", and "Moreau", believed to be a tie-in of the 1996 movie "The Island of Dr. Moreau" (starring Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer), were in development when the company went out of business in 1997.
Although the game was not the first to simulate snooker (or pool) in 3D, it made full use of the processing power and graphics capabilities of 16-bit home computers and was praised for its then ground-breaking realism and easy-to-use interface.
Kula World (also known as Roll Away in the USA or Kula Quest in Japan) is a 3D platform-based puzzle game created for the Sony PlayStation, which places the player in control of a Kula beach ball.
Like Nintendo's Punch-Out!! series, it features many characters with colorful personalities (i.e. Afro Thunder, Boris "The Bear" Knokimov, etc.); however, unlike the Punch-Out!! series, Ready 2 Rumble Boxing is in 3D, thus allowing for more control over one's character in the ring.
:Rubicon's animation production facilities are located in Amman, Manila and Los Angeles and are capable of working on all aspects of production for both 2D and 3D CGI animations.
SolidWorks is a 3D mechanical CAD (computer-aided design) program that runs on Microsoft Windows and is being developed by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp., a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes, S. A. (Vélizy, France).
Spellbinder: The Nexus Conflict (1999) was a 3D action game developed by Mythic Entertainment, developed as a follow-up to Magestorm, and which has been hosted by Centropolis Entertainment and Mightygames.
The Inner Life of the Cell is an 8.5-minute 3D computer graphics animation illustrating the molecular mechanisms that occur when a white blood cell in the blood vessels of the human body is activated by inflammation (Leukocyte extravasation).
Tim Levy began his career in the field of 3D technology, design and strategy, and in 1996 started his own technological marketing company for clients including Roland DG, Sony, and IBM.
The WebQuest methodology has been transferred to language learning in the 3D virtual world Second Life to create a more immersive and interactive experience.