In 1973 The Blockhouse, was made into a film directed by Clive Rees and starred Peter Sellers and Charles Aznavour.
The book and film appear to have been inspired by a possibly true story: on June 25, 1951, Time magazine reported that two German soldiers claimed to have been trapped for six years in an underground storehouse in Babie Doły, Poland.
Blockhouse Bay | blockhouse | The Blockhouse | Sherbourne Blockhouse | Lacolle Mills Blockhouse |
He is credited with the rescue of the kidnapped pioneer Jenny Wiley from a Native American raiding party at Harman's Station, Kentucky in 1790 by piloting a crude raft made from logs and vines to transport her across the river to the safety of the blockhouse.
After Operation Hydra bombed other areas of Peenemünde in 1943, the P-7 blockhouse roof was reinforced, and in a 1944 raid, the blockhouse occupants suffered one injury when a periscope fell.