
unusual facts about The Borrower

The Borrower

One of McNaughton's previous films and one of the most well known and revered of his filmography, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, is referenced in a poster that can be seen in one scene on the street and a commercial can be overheard warning about the disturbing nature of the film on a television during a scene in the hospital.


see also


The credit score of the borrower is a major component in and underwriting and interest rates (APR) of these loans.


In a March 1999 memorandum published by the San Francisco Chronicle, the founder of the company, Andrew Kahr, asked company executives about its customers: "Is any bit of food too small to grab when you're starving and when there is nothing else in sight? The trick is charging a lot, repeatedly, for small doses of instrumental siccredit." Many critics contended that the extended credit makes the borrower poorer than before the credit was extended.

Streamline refinancing

The Federal Housing Administration and VA do not permit the refinancing of a home unless there is a net benefit to the borrower.