
3 unusual facts about The Clearing

Denis Lenoir

Denis Lenoir (born Paris, 1949) is a French cinematographer, whose credits include Uprising, The Clearing, and Thursday.

Gerrit Jan Heijn

The 2004 movie The Clearing is loosely based on the kidnapping and murder of Gerrit Jan Heijn.

Peitor Angell

He also wrote the song "Here In My Heart" for the 2004 film The Clearing, and composed all of the original music for All In: The Poker Movie (2009).

Jens Jensen Summer House and Studio

He maintained operations at the studio until 1934, when he established The Clearing in Ellison Bay, Wisconsin.

see also

9 Parachute Squadron RE

In June 1999, 100 soldiers from the squadron were deployed to Kosovo, where they were involved in the clearing and securing of the mountain corridor to Kačanik to enable 4 Brigade to pass through.

Amegilla cingulata

Human activity, for example the clearing of river banks in the Caboolture River may threaten nest sites of this bee.

Armed helicopter

The CH-47 was used most often to assist in the clearing of bunkers, using an improvised bomb made from 55-gallon drums of bulk CS powder, designated Bomb, Fuze, and Burster, CS in 55-gallon Drum, XM920.

Hull River Aboriginal Settlement

Superintendent John Martin Kenny arrived on 1 September 1914 and commenced organising the clearing and building of three large houses on the hillside overlooking the beach

Indian Mutiny Medal

Awarded to troops under command of Sir Colin Campbell who were engaged in final operations leading to the surrender of Lucknow and the clearing of the surrounding areas.

Mawe Mbili

The clearing has been part of the route of the 2007,2008 and 2009 Safari rally as the track leading through it leads from the badlands boundary track of Delamere Estates Soysambu ranch around the back of scout hat hill, past a helicopter landing marker built by the British forces in 1955 at the time of the Mau Mau rebellion.


The picture, a modified version of John Lurie's watercolor Bear Surprise, whose popularity was stoked by emails and blogs, features a man and a woman having sex in the clearing of a forest, being surprised by a bear calling "Surprise!" with its paws raised.

The Clearing - EP

The Clearing is an EP by San Diego indie Rock band Weatherbox released in 2006 on Doghouse Records.

Transvaal Horse Artillery

During the 1922 strike the THA took part in the Battle of Brixton Bridge and in the clearing of Fordsburg.

Victory Square, Vancouver

It was down the park's hillside that the clearing crews of the CPR entered Gastown a few steps ahead of the firestorm that destroyed the city on June 13, 1886, heading for their quarters in the Regina Hotel at Cambie and Water where they had themselves stored water and wetted blankets as safety precaution (it was the only building in that part of the city to survive the fire).

Xyris tennesseensis

Proper land management includes the clearing of brush and the removal of exotic plant species such as Nepal grass (Microstegium vimineum).