college football | Eton College | University College London | Dartmouth College | King's College London | Harvard College | Trinity College | college | Oberlin College | Boston College | University College Dublin | Williams College | Vassar College | college basketball | Winchester College | Imperial College London | Collège de France | National Film Board of Canada | Middlebury College | Berklee College of Music | Royal College of Art | Smith College | Royal College of Music | Yale College | New College, Oxford | City College of New York | Amherst College | Board of directors | Magdalen College, Oxford | Kenyon College |
In addition, it offers the SAT and PSAT tests from the College Board in the USA and benchmarks through the International School Assessment tests from ACER (the Australian Council for Educational Research).
Reed serves on the boards or in other leadership capacities for many organizations including Urban Serving Universities, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention, the National Center for Educational Accountability, The College Board, and EdVoice.
Since its creation, the school requires every applicant to achieve a minimum pass mark at its own academic aptitude test for postgraduate studies (Prueba de Admisión a Estudios de Posgrado, PAEP); an instrument designed and maintained by academics of the Institute (with some guidance provided by the technical director of The College Board office in Puerto Rico).
Working with ACTFL, the US Department of Education, the College Board, among other organizations, Walton helped to formulate nationwide standards for Japanese, French, Hebrew German, Spanish Chinese and Korean.
Harker has the highest ranking by The College Board for Advanced Placement test scores for AP Computer Science, AP Psychology, AP Chemistry, AP Microeconomics, and AP Calculus.
In 1996 Patterson returned to elective office when he won a seat on the Coast Community College District Board of Trustees where he continues to serve on the college board for Orange Coast College, Golden West College and Coastline Community College.