Gregory Lawrence, an ordinary, nondescript scientist, is dismayed to learn that the famous interplanetary explorer Sir Erik Koskelainen has returned to Earth from the planet Krishna in the Tau Ceti star system, and is to stay with the family of LĂcia Ferreira, the girl he has been courting.
, placing it after "The Colorful Character", and making it the third Viagens story set on Earth in terms of chronology.
SpongeBob SquarePants (character) | Jerry Seinfeld (character) | Xuanzang (fictional character) | Sonic the Hedgehog (character) | Player character | Forrest Gump (character) | player character | Noddy (character) | Macbeth (character) | Huckleberry Finn (character) | Dolly Varden (character) | Tintin (character) | Thousand Character Classic | Terminator (character) | Rocky Balboa (character) | Prince Caspian (character) | Ophelia (character) | Non-player character | Nikita (Nikita character) | moral character | Mooncat (Childrens TV character) | L'Autre (character) | John Shuttleworth (character) | Donkey Kong (character) | Crash Bandicoot (character) | Cinderella (Disney character) | Character class | Athos (fictional character) | Universal Character Set | Stephen Colbert (character) |