
unusual facts about The Dublin Review

Robert Anthony Welch

Two stories from a forthcoming collection The Trap of their Hexes appeared in The Dublin Review; a further story from the same collection appeared in the Irish Pages.

Charles Stanton Devas

Besides his books he wrote frequently for The Dublin Review, The Month, and other periodicals, both English and American, and read papers before The Manchester Statistical Society, The Catholic Truth Society, and other bodies.

Francis MacManus

The panel of three judges for the 2012 competition is: Brendan Barrington, a Senior Editor at Penguin Ireland and editor of The Dublin Review; John MacKenna, author, and winner of the Irish Times, Hennessy and Cecil Day Lewis awards as well as a Jacob's Award for his radio documentaries on Leonard Cohen; and Éilís Ní Dhuibhne, novelist and short-story writer.

see also