Costello's comedy talk show, "The Brian Costello Show with Brian Costello" is performed live from The Empty Bottle in Chicago to an audience of between 30 and 50 regulars.
Prior to that he worked as the promotions director for Chicago’s legendary live music venue, The Empty Bottle.
The Bottle Rockets | Common green bottle fly | The Empty Child | My World Is Empty Without You | The Empty Bottle | The Bottle Let Me Down | Smile Empty Soul | Longneck Bottle | Drinking from the Bottle | Bottle | Beer bottle | Wine bottle | The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage | The Empty Mirror | The Empty Hearse | The Empty City | The Empty Canvas | The Bottle Imp | The Bottle, Alabama | The Bottle | Photograph of the empty chair in van Gogh's house in Auvers-sur-Oise | One of Stoll's Klein bottle | No Reservations: Around the World on an Empty Stomach | milk bottle | Impossible bottle | Demon in a Bottle | Bottle Shock | Bottle Island | Bottle en ''col de cygne'' (Swan neck duct) used by Louis Pasteur | bottle |