
4 unusual facts about The Equation

The Equation

Fearnet columnist Alyse Wax called it a "pretty good episode", and believed it to be "far more enjoyable than last week's", as it lacked that episode's "conspiracy nonsense" and John Scott storyline.

He deduces that someone succeeded in producing the lights using wavelengths, and these caused Andrew to sustain a "hypnagogic trance" that allowed his son to be abducted.

Meanwhile, Walter suddenly remembers that he heard about the lights from former mathematician Dashiell Kim (Randall Duk Kim), an old bunkmate at St. Claire's Hospital who disappeared under similar circumstances.

"The Equation" was written by supervising producer J. R. Orci and co-executive producer David H. Goodman.

see also


Aidchild operates the Equation Gallery, an art gallery and café on the Equator line in Uganda; Ten Tables, a restaurant and screening room in Masaka, and Aidchild's Terrace Club, a rooftop barbecue venue and boutique hostel.

Alexander Kuzemsky

The Green-function technique, termed the irreducible Green function method is a certain reformulation of the equation-of motion method for double-time temperature dependent Green functions.

Cooperative binding

Linus Pauling reinterpreted the equation provided by Adair, assuming that his constants were the combination of the binding constant for the ligand (K in the equation below) and energy coming from the interaction between subunits of the cooperative protein (\alpha below).

Dedham, Essex

Osborne Reynolds, (1842-1912), engineer and physicist, who developed the understanding of electricity, magnetism, and fluid flow (part of the equation for determining the change between 'streamline' and 'turbulent' flow is still called a 'Reynold's Number'), was the son of a headmaster of Dedham Grammar School.

Electrodynamic tether

In 1962 Gerald H. Rosen derived the equation that is now known as the OML theory of dust charging.

Hans Lineweaver

The paper containing the equation, also known as the Double Reciprocal Plot, was co-authored by Dr. Dean Burk, and was entitled "The Determination of Enzyme Dissociation Constants (1934)".

Lindblad equation

The coefficient matrix \ h = (h {n,m}) must be positive to ensure that the equation is trace-preserving and completely positive.


The set of equations associated with PIC codes are therefore the Lorentz force as the equation of motion, solved in the so-called pusher or particle mover of the code, and Maxwell's equations determining the electric and magnetic fields, calculated in the (field) solver.

Riemann–Silberstein vector

According to lectures published by Heinrich Martin Weber in 1901, the real and imaginary components of the equation

Samuel Jacob Sesanus Olsen

Furthermore, Jacob Olsen served as member and President of the Health Commission in Froðba parish and changing member in the Equation Commission.

Track transition curve

Several late-19th century civil engineers seem to have derived the equation for this curve independently (all unaware of the original characterization of this curve by Leonhard Euler in 1744).

Vibrations of a circular membrane

Going back to the equation for R(r), its solution is a linear combination of Bessel functions J m and Y m.

Turning to the equation for R(r), with the observation that K=-\lambda^2, all solutions of this second-order differential equation are a linear combination of Bessel functions of order 0,

Victor Henri

In a seminal paper in 1913, Michaelis and Menten derived the equation in more detail and interpreted it more profoundly.

Wind turbine aerodynamics

Buckingham π theorem can be applied to show that non-dimensional variable for power is given by the equation below.