
unusual facts about The Force


Elements of the qi concept can also be found in Western popular culture, for example "The Force" in Star Wars.


With seconds remaining before the moon was to be destroyed, Luke Skywalker, thanks to the timely assistance of his friend Han Solo and the ghostly advice of Obi-Wan Kenobi to use The Force, was able to fire proton torpedoes into a small thermal exhaust port along the Death Star's equatorial trench, thereby destroying the station and saving Yavin 4 from destruction.

see also

Area of responsibility

Sometimes known as distant battlespace, it is useful to the force commander as a tool in assigning subordinate areas of operations and in focusing intelligence collection and information operations to shape the battlespace to facilitate future operations.

Assistant commissioner

Royal Canadian Mounted Police has 26 officers with the rank and is the third highest rank in the command structure of the force.

Barker lever

The Barker lever is a pneumatic system which multiplies the force of a finger on the key of a tracker pipe organ.

Battle of Laing's Nek

At Bronkhorstspruit the force was stopped by Boers who courteously required the “Red Soldiers” to turn back.

Battle of Mas Deu

His deputy was Pedro Mendinueta y Múzquiz and the force included four battalions of Royal Guards and one battalion each of the Mallorca Line Infantry and Volunteers of Catalonia Light Infantry Regiments, and Andalusian artillery.

Battle of Pentemili beachhead

Gen. Demirel, after leaving about half the Turkish force in Kyrenia to clear the town of Greek forces, ordered the rest of the force southwards to the direction of Bogaz, in order to unite the beachhead with Gönyeli enclave.

Battle of Uhud

For we had heard that Ibn Ubayy had retired with a third of the force, and some of the Aws and the Khazraj had stayed away from the battle, and we were not sure that they would not attack us.

Bryan B. Battaglia

Battaglia serves as the principal military advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army General Martin Dempsey and to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on all matters involving the joint and combined total force integration, utilization, health of the force and joint development for enlisted personnel.

Charles Gaspard Elisabeth Joseph de Bailly

He joined the émigre party and commanded the Salm hussar regiment in the Army of Condé and served alongside Charles François de Virot de Sombreuil, who promoted him to command the 2nd Division of the force sent to land at Quiberon.

Charles-Augustin de Coulomb

He discovered an inverse relationship of the force between electric charges and the square of its distance, later named after him as Coulomb's law.

Cooking off

The current technique, used in tanks like the M1 Abrams, is to armor the compartments and provide blow-off panels to channel the force of the explosion to the exterior of the tank and prevent the Jack-in-the-box effect.

Dermot Boyle

He served in World War II initially as a staff officer with the Advanced Air Striking Force in Reims in which capacity he organised the evacuation of the Force through Brest in May 1940.


However, Zeth checks Simon's property tax reports which link to Sumter County, Florida, where he had killed a deer, making the force suspect victims may have been taken somewhere there.

Frances J. Ahern

Appointed by mayor George Christopher's police commission, Ahern, with the rank of patrolman, was elevated to chief over every captain, lieutenant and sergeant on the force.

Georgia during Reconstruction

During the tenure of Amos T. Akerman (1821–1880) as Attorney General of the United States from 1870 to 1871, thousands of indictments were brought against Klansmen in an effort to enforce the Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and the Force Acts of 1870 and 1871.

Golden Age of Freethought

The Russian Revolution and the scare of Communism in the early 20th century would soon come about, and with that the force of religious and government backed opposition.

Gregory Holman Bromley Way

In accordance with orders received there, the expedition sailed for the River Plate, arriving at Montevideo in the beginning of June 1807, where it joined the force under General John Whitelocke, of which Way was appointed assistant quartermaster-general.

Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona

Following Tragic Week events in 1909 the force was demilitarized and officers are now armed with sidearms for personal defence.

Iceland Defense Force

The U.S. Air Force component of the force was the 85th Group.

Indian racquetball team

Sathwik Rai, Raaj Mohan and Srikaran Kandadai were the force behind Racquetball India and the pioneers of these initiatives.

Jørn Christensen

Some of the more important projects have been those in conjunction with Ola Snortheim, the force behind Langsomt Mot Nord, which Christensen came up with the name for.

Kader Bahini

Kader Siddique, who was known as the Bongobir (বঙ্গবীর, brave man of Bengal) led this small but furious team was so influential that the force took the name, Kaderiya Bahini or the Force of Kader.

Katrin Göring-Eckardt

Various media described her performance as a correction to the force rather than going further left when compared to first-place primary election winner Jürgen Trittin, a vote made by the now much more bourgeois party base.

Nanchang Uprising

From this humble beginning the force eventually grew to a force 10,000 strong, traveling to Jiangxi and joining Mao Zedong at Jinggangshan in April 1928.

Norfolk Constabulary

As of March 2009 the force had a strength of 1,668 police officers, 243 Special Constables, 277 PCSOs and just over 1,300 police staff.

Old Great Falls Historic District

It is home to Lambert Castle and Alexander Hamilton's Society for the Establishment of Useful Manufactures (S.U.M.), which used the force of Great Falls to power the mills along the Passaic in the Dublin section.

Phil Dwyer

After retiring from football, in 1985 Dwyer joined the South Wales Police force, despite being a year older than the force's recruitment age limit, in the town of Wenvoe, where he has lived with his wife Ann for twenty years.

Piet Cronjé

He was in command of the force that rounded up Jameson at Doornkop at the conclusion of the Jameson Raid on 2 January 1896, which is traditionally seen as a precursor to the Second Boer War.

Pursuit Special

Within this storyline, Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson) is offered the black Pursuit Special, referred to as a V8 Interceptor, as an incentive to stay on the force as their top pursuit man after he reveals his desire to quit.

Ralph Goodale

On December 28, 2005, a letter surfaced from Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli confirming the force was launching a criminal investigation into whether details regarding government tax policies relating to income trust funds were leaked from the Finance Minister's office.

Rheological fluids based firearms mechanisms

An RB-MECHANISM controls the recoil and the reloading process by altering the viscosity of a rheological fluid, or "smart fluid," to control the force necessary to accelerate a piece of ammunition to high speeds.

Richard Moody

Moody was also a Colonel in the Royal Engineers, and was the commander of the Columbia Detachment, the force that was brought to BC to establish British order during the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush.

Robert Christopher

Robert Collins Christopher was an American journalist who served in World War II and was in the force that occupied Japan after Douglas MacArthur accepted the Japanese surrender aboard the USS Missouri.

Seistan Force

Raids on the lines of communication of the force were made by certain tribes of Persian Baluchistan, notably the Damanis of Sarhad.

Standard of review

Questions of statutory interpretation decided by an agency in a manner that has the force of law are subject to Chevron review.


Starkiller's expressions are based on Witwer's, which Blackman described as a "a new approach for LucasArts", noting that it "affected the way we handled casting for The Force Unleashed" and comparing it to how people see Bill Nighy as Davy Jones in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

Stuart H. Ingersoll

During this period, Ingersoll was a lieutenant commander and air operations officer on the staff of Rear Admiral Arthur L. Bristol, Jr., who was commander of the U.S. Navy Support Force at Argentia in the Dominion of Newfoundland, the force responsible for the escort work.


The group's song Royal Uniform from the album The Force was used on the soundtrack for the computer/video game FIFA 07 released by Electronic Arts.

The Penultimate Peril

There are several quotes to the Italian opera La forza del destino (the force of destiny), and it's mentioned that Baudelaires' parents attended the show.

The Time Ships

Some time later, a German Messerschmitt plane arrives over the campsite, drops a Carolinum bomb (analogous to an atomic bomb in our world; see Wells's The World Set Free), and devastates the time-traveling Juggernauts and all but twelve of the Force.

Thunder Bay Police Service

The force was originally headquartered in the Fort William Police station, which is now the home of the Thunder Bay Historical Museum.

Torsion spring

Determining the force for different charges and different separations between the balls, he showed that it followed an inverse-square proportionality law, now known as Coulomb's law.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1493

The preameble of the resolution reiterated the Council's support of Operation Artemis in Bunia and the need to replace the force once its mandate had expired, in accordance with Resolution 1484 (2003).

Viscount St Vincent

His great-grandson, the 4th Viscount, was part of the force that was sent in 1884 to rescue General Gordon at Khartoum, and died from wounds received at the Battle of Abu Klea in January 1885.

Yukon Field Force

Authorized on 21 March 1898 and commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Dixon Byron Evans of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, the force consisted of 5 Staff, 16 Royal Canadian Dragoons, 49 men of the Royal Canadian Artillery and 133 men of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Infantry armed with Lee-Enfield .303 rifles, two Maxim guns and two bronze seven-pounder cannons.

Zachary Taylor Wood

He retired from the force due to poor health and died in Asheville, North Carolina in 1915 and buried at Cataraqui Cemetery in Kingston, Ontario.


It was from Zamindawar that much of the strength of the force which besieged Kandahar under Mohammad Ayub Khan in 1880 was derived; and it was the Zamindawar contingent of tribesmen who so nearly defeated Sir Donald Stewart's force at the Battle of Ahmed Khel previously.