Committee on Public Lands | Lands' End | Dominion Lands Act | Promise Lands | Port Lands | Lands of the Bohemian Crown | Adelaide Park Lands | University Endowment Lands | The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands | Red Lands | Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act | Yazoo lands | Lands Tribunal for Northern Ireland | Lands of Schlawe and Stolp | Lands of Marshalland | Lands of Lainshaw | lands | Hoagy Lands | Famines in Czech lands | Crown Lands Act 1851 | Council of Four Lands | Company of Merchant Adventurers to New Lands | Carl Garner Federal Lands Cleanup Day |
However, what Par and Coll are doing is illegal under the law of the Federation because magic is supposedly the cause for various problems that are occurring in the Four Lands.
After defeating a dragon like creature and knocking Weka Dart out of a tree, she has a frightening encounter with the shade of Brona, the most legendary evil from the Four Lands, and Grianne is captured by a party of Demons.