It was a sequel to his 1818 work The Fudge Family in Paris, which had depicted the visit of the fictional British Fudge Family to Paris where the daughter Biddy had fallen in love with a young man who she had taken to be the King of Prussia but was in fact a draper.
It was intended to be a comedic critique of the post-war settlement of Europe following the Congress of Vienna and the large number of British and Irish families who flocked to France for tourism.
Paris | family | University of Paris | family (biology) | Family Guy | Paris Hilton | Rothschild family | British Royal Family | Conservatoire de Paris | All in the Family | Notre Dame de Paris | The Partridge Family | Family Feud | Paris Opera | Family | Paris Peace Conference, 1919 | Paris Peace Conference | ABC Family | Paris Commune | Family Ties | The Addams Family | Last Tango in Paris | Family Affairs | Focus on the Family | Family (biology) | Paris–Roubaix | Paris Métro | Disneyland Paris | Vanderbilt family | Paris Observatory |