
3 unusual facts about The Golem

Foz Foster

Foster's next soundtrack was for the 1920 horror film, The Golem: How He Came into the World, which Sawchestra performed at the Apollo Theatre, Piccadilly, as part of the 2011 London Sci-Fi Festival.

The Golem: How He Came into the World

Set in Jewish ghetto of medieval Prague, the film begins with Rabbi Loew, the head of the city's Jewish community, reading the stars.

Architect Hans Poelzig designed the sets, a reproduction of the medieval Jewish ghetto of Prague.

When Fiction Lives in Fiction

Amongst the works examined in this essay are William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, with its play-within-a-play, Gustav Meyrink's novel The Golem with its motifs of dreams within dreams within dreams, and the nub of the essay itself, a short review of the then recently published At Swim-Two-Birds by Irish writer Flann O'Brien with its circular daisy chain of characters writing novels about each other.

see also

Aharon Meskin

During his career on the Hebrew stage, Meskin played many leading roles, including Othello; the Golem; Shylock (in The Merchant of Venice); Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman; the black pastor Stephen Kumalo in Cry, The Beloved Country; Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny and many others.

Doug Cotler

Cotler’s musical career includes composing the symphony, “The Golem,” which was performed by Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra, performing country, pop and rock music with such well-known artists as John Denver, Jerry Jeff Walker and Mason Williams, and recording five original Jewish music albums.

Ellen Frankel

Dr. Frankel has also written libretti for two oratorios composed by Andrea Clearfield, Women of Valor and The Golem Psalms. The first was premiered in Los Angeles in 2002; the second in Philadelphia in 2006.

Golem effect

The golem effect has very similar underlying principles to its theoretical counterpart, the Pygmalion effect.

Julia Pascal

The final volume includes Crossing Jerusalem, which is about the conflict in the Middle East, The Golem, a version of the Prague myth of the Golem for young audiences, St Joan a satire based on a Jewish Black Londoner who dreams she is Joan of Arc and Year Zero which reveals World War II stories from Vichy France.

Mendy and the Golem

The first Mendy and the Golem series followed the exploits of Mendy Klein, who found a Golem in their father's synagogue.

Robots in literature

More recent humaniform examples include the brooms from the legend of the sorcerer's apprentice derived from a tale by Lucian of Samosata in the 1st century AD, the Jewish legend of the golem created like Adam from clay, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.