
unusual facts about The Graduates

The Graduates

The film tells the story of Ben (played by Rob Bradford), Andy (played by Blake Merriman), Mattie (played by Nick Vergara), and Nickie (played by Michael Pennacchio) recent highschool graduates who go to Ocean City, Maryland for Senior Week or Beach Week.

see also


Some daigakkō's mainstream courses are accredited by the National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation (NIAD-UE), an independent administrative institution (IAI) affiliated with the MEXT and the graduates can obtain academic degrees awarded by the NIAD-UE by application.

Diocesan Native Female Training School

The students were trained to be teachers of English and missionaries, and supposed to be future Christian wives of the graduates of St. Paul's College, Hong Kong, the largest school under the Anglican Church.

In the Wet

The graduates of the National University of Ireland and of Trinity College are still represented in the upper house of Ireland's parliament.

Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies

The KazISS started to employ the graduates of the Kazakh State University and the Kazakh State University of World Languages, orientalists and scholars from the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences.

Marcus Luttrell

A book entitled "The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228" by Dick Couch describes the training of Class 228, and names Luttrell as one of the graduates of that class.

Six O'Clock Rock

The first episode also featured Reg Lindsay, The Australian All-Stars, The Graduates, Terry King and Johnny Ball.