
2 unusual facts about The Historian

American University in Bulgaria

Elizabeth Kostova, former AUBG Board Member, AUBG University Council member since 2011, author of the bestselling novels The Historian and The Swan Thieves

Terry H. Anderson

He applied his knowledge of psychology and history in the 1978 article, "Becoming Sane with Psychohistory" in The Historian.

see also

327 BC

The relations between Alexander and Aristotle are embittered by the execution of Aristotle's nephew, the historian Callisthenes of Olynthus, who is charged with treason.


So, according the historian Karl Watson, most slaves imported into Barbados were Akans (Ashanti and Fante from Ghana), Ewe and Fon (coming both from Benin).


Others include the independence fighters and socialist politicians Achieng Oneko and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, the latter's son Prime Minister Raila Odinga, former ministers Robert Ouko and Tom Mboya, and the historian Bethwell Allan Ogot.

Archibald Campbell, 2nd Earl of Argyll

The historian Norman Macdougall suggests this clause may have been provoked by Argyll's kinship with Torquil MacLeod and MacLean of Duart.

Battle of Afabet

The victory over the Nadew Command is considered by the historian Basil Davidson to be the most significant victory for any liberation movement since the Vietnamese victory at Dien Bien Phu.

Book of Ezekiel

In the 1st century AD the historian Josephus said that the prophet wrote two books: he may have had in mind the Apocryphon of Ezekiel, a 1st-century BC text that expands on the doctrine of resurrection.

Brigitte Hamann

Following the publication of The Hidden Hitler by the historian and University of Bremen professor Lothar Machtan, Hamann investigated claims about Hitler's homosexuality and appears in the 2004 HBO documentary film, Hidden Fuhrer: Debating the Enigma of Hitler's Sexuality, by the American documentarians Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato.

Carlyle's House

Carlyle's House, in the district of Chelsea, in central London, England, was the home acquired by the historian and philosopher Thomas Carlyle and his wife Jane Welsh Carlyle, after having lived at Craigenputtock in Dumfriesshire, Scotland.

Cassibelan Burton

Burton was the only son of William Burton, the historian of Leicestershire, by his wife Jane, daughter of Humfrey Adderley of Weddington, Warwickshire.


The historian Herodotus writes that his ancestors came from the island of Telos in the Aegean Sea and were the founders of the city of Gela in southern Sicily.

Department of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna

The historian Ludwig Jedlicka, co-founder of the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) and director of the Austrian Institute for Contemporary History (since 1961) became the first director of the new institute.

Eleanor Flexner

When she showed the completed book to the historian Arthur Schlesinger, he recognized its value and urged her to offer it to Harvard University Press, which readily accepted it for publication.

Eyal Sivan

The film discusses the politics of remembrance, a term introduced by the historian Raul Hilberg, as applied to the Jewish state and its politics.

Feudal aid

The historian Susan Reynolds notes that the evidence for feudal aids only dates from the 11th century, rendering the view that it arose earlier in a requirement of a vassal to give aid to his lord somewhat suspect.

Flavio Gioja

This study was cited and confirmed by the historian Alessandro Barbero in a popular Italian scientific TV program, Superquark (transmission of 7 August 2008).

Frances Margaret Taylor

Her works also brought her into contact with clerical literary figures, such as Brother Henry Foley SJ, the historian of the Society of Jesus, and Father Matthew Russell SJ, the founder-editor of the Irish Monthly.

French law on colonialism

As the historian Benjamin Stora pointed out, colonialism has a major "memory" stake in influencing the way various communities and the nation itself represent themselves.

Fryske Akademy

The Fryske Akademy was founded in 1938 with the support of the provincial authorities at the behest of many pro-Frisian politicians and scientists, notably the historian Geart Aeilco Wumkes and the theologian Titus Brandsma.

Gardens of Sallust

The property originally belonged to Julius Caesar but after his death it was acquired by the historian Sallust who developed it using his wealth extorted as governor of the province of Africa Nova (newly conquered Numidia).

Henry Benedict Stuart

The historian Andrew Lang alluded to James's comment that his younger son would never marry although many marriages had been planned for him.

Hydraulic telegraph

The ancient Greek design was described in the 4th century BC by Aeneas Tacticus and the 3rd century BC by the historian Polybius.


The book Cíhǎi and the historian Nguyễn Văn Tố claim that both of the Zhǐ letters are correct.

John Somerville, 4th Lord Somerville

The historian only found one charter signed by John at Edinburgh in 1510 connected with his coming-of-age, and assumes the Lord spent most of his life at Cowthally Castle near Carnwath.

Karl Marlo

In his book Marxism: An Historical and Critical Study, the historian George Lichtheim (1912–1973) describes Karl Marlo as "an utopian socialist".

Kenley, Shropshire

The historian Archibald Alison and statistician William Farr were born in Kenley.

Khieu Samphan

The historian Ben Kiernan stated that Samphan's protestations (such as the fact that he regarded the collectivisation of agriculture as a "surprise", and his expressions of sympathy for his "friend" Hu Nim, a fellow member of the CPK hierarchy tortured and killed at Tuol Sleng) betrayed the fundamental "moral cowardice" of a man mesmerised by power but lacking any nerve.

Konstantin Ramul

Ramul believed that history is dependent upon psychology, though the philosopher of science Ernest Nagel criticized him for "not stating clearly the type of psychological investigation which is relevant to the historian's task" (Nagel 1934, pp. 599-600).

Kot Sabzal

As the historian Mohan Lal tries to remember in his travelogues, the city had gates, that had perished through want of repair and that one had a gun, which was kept towards the Bahawalpur country.

Leith Walk

In 1779, Hugo Arnot the historian of Edinburgh, born in Leith, stated that 156 coaches travelled the route daily, each carrying 4 passengers at a cost of 2d or 3d per person.

Life of Joseph Smith from 1831 to 1834

The historian Fawn Brodie speculated that one of John Johnson's sons, Eli, meant to punish Joseph by having him castrated for an intimacy with his sister, Nancy Marinda Johnson, but author Bushman states that hypothesis failed.

Moslem League of the Western Province

The historian Okbazgi Yohannes claims that the split was caused intrigues of behalf of the British Military Administration, who was able to convince Muslim chiefs that the Moslem League leader Ibrahim Sultan Ali was an Italian agent.

Musée de l'Imprimerie

The museum was designed by the master printer and historian Maurice Audin, with the historian of the book, Henri-Jean Martin, then chief curator of the Library of Lyon.

Nigel Calder

Nigel Calder is the son of the late Lord Ritchie-Calder, a brother of the historian Angus Calder (1942–2008), mathematician Allan Calder and educationist Isla Calder (1946–2000), and the father of travel writer Simon Calder.

Ninghai County

In the Southern Song Dynasty, the Privy Council Secretary Zheng Lin, the Right Prime Minister Ye Mengding and the historian Hu Sansheng, litterateur Shu Yueyang took official posts in the Court, together with the powerful minister Jia Sidao.

Philip Hardwick

In 1994 the historian Dan Cruickshank discovered 4,000 tons, or about 60%, of the arch's stones buried in the bed of the River Lea in the East End of London, including the architrave stones with the gilded EUSTON lettering.

Philip Magnus-Allcroft

He was a member of a notable Jewish family; his paternal grandmother was the historian Katie Emmanuel and his maternal grandmother was Emily Sebag-Montefiore.


In 1994, the historian Paul Robert Magocsi stated that there were approximately 690,000 Carpatho-Rusyn church members in the United States, with 320,000 belonging to the largest Byzantine Rite Catholic affiliations, 270,000 to the largest Orthodox affiliations, and 100,000 to various Protestant and other denominations.

Samuel Astley Dunham

He was intimate with Southey, who spoke of his knowledge of the Middle Ages as marvellous, and he was in close correspondence with Lingard, the historian, who was godfather to one of his sons.

Sandy Close

She was married to the historian and Asian affairs scholar Franz Schurmann from 1968 until his death in 2010.

St. Mary's Church, Chennai

Numerous memorial-plaques and monuments exist within the church of which two, that of Sir Barry Close, who was Adjutant General to Gen. George Harris at the Siege of Seringapatam, and gave his name to Closepet, and that of Lt. Col. Joseph Moorhouse, who was killed at the Siege of Bangalore, in the Third Anglo-Mysore War, would be of particular interest to the historian.

Stephen A. Hurlbut

It has been suggested by the historian Bertram Korn, that during his garrison duty at Memphis, Tennessee, Hurlbut issued antisemitic orders confiscating Jewish property and preventing Jews from trading.

Su Qin

The historian Li Ling mentions this in his simplified version "Sun Tzu" in the "Espionage" chapter, viz “When the Zhou flourished, Lu Ya was in Yin" followed by the sentence, “When the Yan State flourished, Su Qin was in Qi”. Li Ling believes that this "Sun Tzu" is not the same as the one handed down to later generations and is clearly the history of the late Warring States period.

Tanaka Shōsuke

A contemporary journal, written by the historian Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, a noble Aztec born in Amecameca (ancient Chalco province) in 1579, whose formal name was Domingo Francisco de San Anton Muñon, gives some account of the visit of Tanaka.

The Wood of the Self-Murderers: The Harpies and the Suicides

Although Pietro does not reveal his identity to the travellers in Dante's episode, he does moralise on the act of suicide, asking (as paraphrased by the historian Wallace Fowlie) if it is better to submit to chastisement and misfortune or take one's own life.

Upper Trajan's Wall

Others, such as the historian Peter Heather, affirm it was built by the local Germanic tribes, mainly as a defense against raiders from Central Asia (Attila's Huns).

Wang Zhongshu

After the end of World War II, Wang was accepted by several top Chinese universities in 1946, and chose to enter Zhejiang University in his home province, where he studied under the historian Tan Qixiang and excelled in the subjects of Chinese history and the Japanese language.

William Fleetwood Sheppard

Sheppard was not unique in combining a civil service career with mathematical research; an almost exact contemporary was Thomas Heath, the historian of Greek mathematics, who went higher in the Civil Service and became much better known as an author.

Zaporozhets za Dunayem

According to contemporary accounts, Hulak-Artemovsky based the libretto on a story by the historian Mykola Kostomarov.