
unusual facts about The Honorary Title

The Honorary Title

Lost stars Dominic Monaghan and Daniel Dae Kim are known to be fans, Monaghan introducing Kim to the band while filming.

Jeff Klein

Along with a history of collaborating with Greg Dulli and Mark Lanegan, Klein has toured or guested as a member of bands such as The Honorary Title, Stars of Track and Field, Ed Harcourt,and Statistics (band)

see also

7th World Science Fiction Convention

Don Ford carried out the duties of Chairman, but was officially Secretary-Treasurer; Charles R. Tanner had the honorary title of Chairman.

Alicia Llanos de Ramos

She holds the honorary title of First Lady of Tijuana, and officially serves as President of the Municipal DIF Sponsorship.

Antoine August Michel Gaujot

He solved some significant problems while in Japan, for which the Mikado reportedly conferred on him the honorary title of "general".

Chiann Fan Gibson

In 1998 Miss Universe Co-owner Donald Trump awarded Gibson the “honorary” title of the official dentist of the Miss Universe Pageant.

Dong Jin Kim

At this time Kim received the honorary title of Captain from the Pohnpei Police Department in Micronesia.


The honorary title "People's Choir" (1977); Diploma of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine (1987), the Shevchenko National Prize laureate, 1989(The highest artistic award in Ukraine, the only one Youth art group in Ukraine) was awarded the honorary title of "State Choir" in 2000.


During their concert in Academia Nacional de tango, Sverre Indris Joner was given the honorary title "Academico Correspondiente" of the academy by the president Horacio Ferrer.

Gérard de Lally-Tollendal

In 1779 Lally-Tollendal bought the honorary title of Grand bailli of Étampes, and in 1789 was a deputy to the Estates-General for the noblesse of Paris.

Gertrude Noone

The honorary title of oldest known living military veteran passed to Gertrude Noone on July 25, 2009, following the death of British World War I veteran Harry Patch.

Katowice Steelworks

Construction of the plant was carried out with cooperation with Soviet experts, and the honorary title of the First Worker was granted to Leonid Brezhnev.

Randle Wilbraham Falconer

In addition to his Edinburgh doctorate, he held the honorary title of doctor from Queen's University of Ireland, 1879, and that of fellow from King and Queen's College, Dublin, and was a fellow of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of London.

Resistance during the Holocaust

Since 1963, a commission organized by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Israel, and headed by an Israeli Supreme Court justice, has been charged with the duty of awarding people who rescued Jews from the Holocaust the honorary title Righteous Among the Nations.

Sergei Vasilyev

Sergei Vasilyev was granted the honorary title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1948; and received (with Georgi Vasilyev) two Stalin Prizes in 1941 and 1942.

SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers

The honorary title Kurt Eggers referred to the SS war-correspondent and editor of the SS magazine Das Schwarze Korps who had been killed earlier in the year, while reporting on the Wiking's battles near Kharkov.