
unusual facts about The Hostages

Stephen Garlick

He starred in the 1975 film The Hostages, and had roles in the science-fiction series The Tomorrow People, Earthsearch and The Boy from Space. He also appeared in several episodes of The Adventures of Black Beauty in the early-to-mid-1970s.

see also

1980 Dominican Embassy siege in Bogotá

The hostages included the Papal nuncio to Colombia, Angelo Acerbi, as well as the ambassadors from fourteen countries: Austria, Brazil, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Israel, Mexico, Switzerland, the United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

2004 Khobar massacre

Kidnappers asked the hostages if they were Christian or Muslim, letting the Muslims go, and slitting the throats of non-Muslims.

Alexander family hostage crisis

Chen had promised to release the hostages if Frank Hsieh, a renowned politician, personally came to negotiate the release of his wife and brother.

Blind Flight

It is based on the true-life story of the kidnapping and imprisonment of the Irish academic Brian Keenan and the English journalist John McCarthy, two of the hostages in the Lebanon hostage crisis.

Killing of British tourists in Yemen

The next day, 200 Yemeni troops surrounded the kidnappers and the hostages in Al Wade'a District.

Killing of Lasa and Zabala

In order to accomplish this, the hostages were transferred to Alicante.

Louis III de La Trémoille

Louis accompanied the dauphin on a voyage to Perpignan in 1542, served in the war against the English in Picardy and was one of the four barons given as a hostage of the Holy Ampoule at the consecration of Henry II, and one of the hostages of the peace treaty concluded in 1542 between France and England.

Margaret Gilmore

While with This Week Gilmore made the first western documentary on the Lebanon hostage crisis while the hostages were still in captivity, and was the first western reporter allowed into East Germany after the resignation of Eric Honecker.

Moshe Weinberg

While the hostages were being marched back to the officials' apartment, Weinberg once again attacked the intruders, knocking one of them unconscious and allowing one of his wrestlers, Gad Tsobari, to escape via an underground parking garage.

Operation Jaque

The local FARC commander César and an additional rebel boarded the helicopters along with the hostages.

Parthenopean Republic

After some negotiation the parties concluded an armistice and agreed on capitulation (onorevole capitolazione), whereby the castles were to be evacuated, the hostages liberated and the garrisons free to remain in Naples unmolested or to sail for Toulon.