
unusual facts about The Imitation of Christ

Cornelius de Pauw

He also showed how to count up to forty-eight million in Nahuatl, listed a number of Nahuatl words for metaphysical and moral concepts, pointed out that the Gospels and Thomas a Kempis's The Imitation of Christ had been translated into Nahuatl, acknowledged his debt to Indian writers such as Ixtlilxochitl, and catalogued authors both European and American born who had written in American languages ranging from Tarahumara to Cakchiquel.

Manilal C. Parekh

Prior to that, at an age of fifteen, he seems to have already read The Use of Life written by John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury, and also The Imitation of Christ influencing him in moral and spiritual attraction at an younger age.

Seeing with the Eyes of Love

The Afterword also sketches the Imitations influence on figures ranging from Therese of Lisieux (who memorized it) to Ignatius of Loyola to John Woolman to Dag Hammerskjold, who carried it with him on the flight that ended in his death.

see also