They have been declared Kentucky Colonels, Arkansas Travelers, and they have had many special days set aside in their honor.
The estate and the Barrington family who lived there were the inspirations for the naming of Becket, Massachusetts and Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
His Les Houilleurs de Polignies is reported to have been one of the inspirations for Zola's Germinal.
The "End of the World" narrative is one of the inspirations for Yoshitoshi ABe in creating his Haibane Renmei, originally produced as a manga and later adapted as an anime series.
Jack Llewelyn Davies (1894–1959), one of the inspirations for the boy characters in Peter Pan
Fellow Nobel Laureate (1925) Bernard Shaw cited Mommsen's interpretation of the last First Consul of the Republic, Julius Caesar, as one of the inspirations for his 1898 (1905 on Broadway) play, Caesar and Cleopatra.
He is best remembered as one of the inspirations for author and environmental scientist, Rachel Carson.
Due to the inspirations for some of the cards, such as ancient mythology and Japanese folklore, the card game was a potential target for religious advocacy groups.