In 1965, they began hosting their own ABC television-network series, The King Family Show, which featured family members including Alyce's husband, actor Robert Clarke, and her sons, Ric and Lex de Azevedo, and Cam Clarke, as well as other talent.
Donna King Conkling died on June 16, 2007, aged 88, in Plano, Texas.
Stephen King | King's College London | King Arthur | King | Nat King Cole | Burger King | B.B. King | The Lion King | King Lear | Martin Luther King, Jr. | King Edward VII | King Crimson | Larry King Live | Sisters of Mercy | King of the Hill | king | Larry King | King's College, Cambridge | King Kong | King's College | Martin Luther King | London King's Cross railway station | Carole King | King Edward's School, Birmingham | William Lyon Mackenzie King | The King and I | Martin Luther King Jr. | King's Lynn | The King of Queens | High King of Ireland |