
6 unusual facts about The Last of the Red Hat Mamas

Red Hat Society

The Red Hat Society is parodied in an episode of The Simpsons, "The Last of the Red Hat Mamas", when Marge joins a group called the Cheery Red Tomatoes.

The Last of the Red Hat Mamas

While walking through a street, she meets up with members of the Cheery Red Tomatoes.

She tries to convince Principal Skinner that she speaks fluent Italian, but the principal is skeptical.

The Cherry Red Tomatoes group is a reference to the Red Hat Society, a company of late-aged women based in California.

They explain they are a group that raises funds for charity, and that Burns once promised them that amount to donate to a children's hospital; however, at a press conference, the selfish millionaire announced he plans to keep the money for himself (to undergo a procedure that will extend his life by 10 minutes).

However, when it comes time for the initiation, Tammy asks Marge to assist in their efforts to break into Burns' mansion to steal $1 million in Fabergé eggs.

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