In 1805, jointly with Longman & Co., Constable published Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel, and in 1807 Marmion.
The title is taken from the phrase "Breathes there a man..." in Sir Walter Scott's poem "The Lay of the Last Minstrel".
In the poem, Lady Margaret Scott of Buccleuch, the "Flower of Teviot" is beloved by Baron Henry of Cranstown an ally of the Ker Clan, but a deadly feud exists between the two border clans of Scott and Carr/Ker, which has resulted in the recent murder of Lady Margaret's father, Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch by the Kers on the High Street in Edinburgh.
Frito-Lay | As I Lay Dying | lay | As I Lay Dying (band) | lay brother | Lay Lady Lay | Lay abbot | Lay Down Your Burdens | Lay brother | As I Lay Dying/American Tragedy | The Lay of the Last Minstrel | Saint-Symphorien-de-Lay | Lay Down Your Burdens (Battlestar Galactica) | Lay Down Sally | Lay Carmelites | Koh Lay Huan | Common Burn" / "Lay Myself Down | Common Burn/Lay Myself Down | Adam lay ybounden | William Lau Hui Lay | The Black and White Minstrel Show | That Minstrel Man | Mường Lay | Muong Lay | Minstrel in the Gallery | Marion Lay | Lay Your Hands on Me | Lay Jian Fang | Lay Down with the Strawbs | Lay Down (Candles in the Rain) |
One of his most important commissions was a series of eight panel pictures illustrating Sir Walter Scott's The Lay of the Last Minstrel.