
2 unusual facts about The Leveller

Hugh Johnstone

He became known when he was identified (by the radical magazines Peace News and The Leveller) as the much-publicised anonymous witness Colonel B in the ABC Trial in 1978.

The Leveller

Members, who met for collective meetings initially in the Euston and Kings Cross areas of north London, and later in Brixton, included: Roger Andersen, Nick Anning, Julia Bard, Imogen Bloor, Dave Clark, Andy Curry, Brian Deer, Tim Gopsill, Cheryl Hicks, Terry Ilott, Phil Kelly, HO Nazareth, Mike Prest, Jane Root, Rose Shapiro, Russell Southwood, Dave Taylor, Adam Thompson, John Verner, Ian Walker.


The Leveller |

see also

Tadas Blinda

The play, Blinda, the Leveller of the World, presented him as a champion of the common people, battling the Polish landlords and the Russian Empire that governed Lithuania, and was enthusiastically received.