The Little Orphan is a 1949 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 40th Tom and Jerry short, released in theatres on April 30, 1949 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer.
Little Orphan Annie | Orphan | Orphan (film) | The Orphan | RAR-related orphan receptor alpha | orphan | Mikołaj Krzysztof "the Orphan" Radziwiłł | Three Orphan Kittens | Surrogate court#The Orphan's Court | Roman Catholic Orphan School | Orphan works | Orphan Train | Orphan's Court | Orphan (producer) | Little Orphan Airedale | Hebrew Orphan Asylum of New York | AIDS orphan |
She is the widow of Outhine Bounyavong and has written poems, several textiles books and novels and transcribed numerous traditional stories, of which the best-known is Kam Pha Phi Noi ('The Little Orphan and the Spirit’).