Some recordings that make effective use of this tuning are "Black Water" by The Doobie Brothers, "The Loner" and "Cinnamon Girl" by Neil Young, "The End" by The Doors, "Chase the Sky" and "Room to Breathe" (Double Drop D 1/2 step down) and "Coming Home" (Capo 6th Fret) by Adam Parker (from Norwich UK).
Longtime TV Guide critic Cleveland Amory wrote that Serling "obviously intended The Loner to be a realistic, adult Western," but the show's ratings indicated it was "either too real for a public grown used to the unreal Western or too adult for juvenile Easterners."
This tuning is used in several of his most famous songs, such as "The Loner", "The Old Laughing Lady", "When You Dance I Can Really Love", "Ohio", and "Cortez the Killer".