
unusual facts about The Massacre

Community Charge

In popular culture, the punk band The Exploited featured the song "Don't Pay The Poll Tax" in their album The Massacre.

see also

2000 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre

2000 Amarnath pilgrimage massacre was the massacre of 30 people, mostly Hindu pilgrims, by Kashmiri separatist militants on 1 August 2000 in Pahalgam town located in Anantnag district, Kashmir, India.

Abwehrgruppe 218

Unit is known for a number of war crimes, especially the massacre of civilians in the villages Ostrý Grúň a Kľak, which are considered among the most brutal war crimes committed on Slovak territory during the war.

Ahmed Hassan Said

Said participated in FEP's political rally of 9 October 2011 among the Maspero demonstrations that led to the massacre of many protesters.

Aral Vorkosigan

On Komarr and elsewhere, it was assumed that he killed the officer in order to conceal the fact that he or the Emperor had ordered the massacre, however, resulting in his legendary reputation as "the Butcher of Komarr" and an enduring ill-will expressed in a revolt 10 years later, an assassination plot (Brothers in Arms), and an attempt by Komarrans to close Barrayar's wormhole Komarr).

Augustin Marlorat

After the massacre at Vassy on March 1, 1562, the Protestants of Rouen planned to seize their city.

Babi Yar memorials

A number of films and television productions have also marked the tragic events at Babi Yar, and D. M. Thomas's novel The White Hotel uses the massacre's anonymity and violence as a counterpoint to the intimate and complex nature of the human psyche.

Benalup-Casas Viejas revolution

The massacre led to national outrage and there was considerable debate about whether the orders to kill had or had not been issued by the President of the Second Spanish Republic, Niceto Alcalá-Zamora.


Louis Livingston Seaman mentioned the massacre as being the reason for the Chinese Honghuzi hatred towards the Russians:The Chinaman, be he Hung-hutze or peasant, in his relation to the Russians in this conflict with Japan has not forgotten the terrible treatment accorded him since the Muscovite occupation of Manchuria.

Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, called for a general fast in England and proposed to send the British Navy if the massacre was not stopped while gathering funds for helping the Waldensians.

Chattisinghpora, Pathribal, and Barakpora massacres

The massacre, which took place on the eve of U.S. President Bill Clinton's visit to the Subcontinent, was widely condemned by both the Indian and Pakistani governments, as well as the leaders of the Kashmiri separatist movement.

Comalapa, Chalatenango, El Salvador

The army responded by killing 30,000 people, including the leader of the rebellion, Farabundo Martí, in a bloody act that was later referred to as La Matanza (The Massacre) (Lonely Planet).

Conspiracy and siege of the Mountain Meadows massacre

He met with many of the eventual participants in the massacre, including William H. Dame, Isaac C. Haight, and John D. Lee.

Częstochowa massacre

According to German historian Jochen Böhler the most likely version is that the shootings were caused by panicking or nervous German soldiers who then used the imagined or invented "Polish partisans" as an excuse for their rash actions and the massacre that followed.

Dudley Leavitt

While he is cited in Jon Krakauer's bestseller, Under the Banner of Heaven as a participant in the Mountain Meadows massacre of 1857, Leavitt is said to have never discussed the massacre, except to have remarked later in life, "I thank God that these old hands have never been stained by human blood."

Ephraim of Bonn

Ephraim of Bonn (1132–1200) was a Jewish writer who documented the massacre of the Jews in the city of York in 1190.

First Anglo-Afghan War

Theodor Fontane's poem, Das Trauerspiel von Afghanistan (The Tragedy of Afghanistan) also refers to the massacre of Elphinstone’s army.

Georgios Karaiskakis

In 1827, Karaiskakis participated in the failed attempt to raise the siege of Athens, and attempted to prevent the massacre of the Turkish garrison stationed in the convent of Saint Spyridon in Piraeus.

Gerhard Sommer

Gerhard Sommer (born 24 June 1921) is a former SS-Untersturmführer (Second Lieutenant) in the 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS who was involved in the massacre of 560 civilians on 12 August 1944 in the Italian village of Sant'Anna di Stazzema.

History of Vilnius

Most of the remaining 30,000 victims of the massacre were Poles - POWs, intelligentsia and members of the Armia Krajowa, which at the time was fighting against both Germans and Lithuanians.

Jean Maynier

He is remembered for being responsible for the 1545 Massacre of Mérindol, engendered in part by his highly coloured accounts forwarded to Francis I of activities in the Vaudois of Protestants, and encouraged by the papacy to root out the "heretics" in the Venaissin, culminated in the massacre in which hundreds or thousands of Waldensians were killed at the order of the king.

Jean-François Klobb

He returned to French Sudan with the rank of Major in July 1895, distinguishing himself against the Tuaregs, that he defeated in a series of battles fought in 1897–98, that helped to secure French control on Timbuktu, endangered by the massacre near the city of a platoon of Sipahis in June 1897.

Joanne Greenberg

She received the Harry and Ethel Daroff Memorial Fiction Award as well as the Jewish Book Council of America award in 1963 for her novel The King's Persons, which was about the massacre of the Jewish population of York at York Castle in 1190.

Killough massacre

The massacre took place on October 5, 1838, near Larissa (north of Jacksonville) in the northwestern part of Cherokee County.

Las Abejas

In 1999, a Danish artist named Jens Galschiøt installed a statue known as the Columna de Infamia, or the Pillar of Shame, as a reminder of the massacre of members of Las Abejas that had occurred at Acteal.

Malaclypse the Younger

According to Malaclypse the Elder himself, he is a 4th century B.C. Erisian priest (who was also prepared to perform services to Hermes, Dionysus, Heracles, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera) who achieved "transcendental illumination" in the course of the massacre at Melos in 415 BC.

Massacre of Broniki

The Massacre of Broniki referred to the killing of members of the Wehrmacht by soldiers of the Red Army, on 1 July 1941 near the place Broniki in western Ukraine.


In August 2005, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ordered Suriname to pay 3 million USD in compensation to 130 survivors of the massacre, and to establish a 1.2 million USD fund for the development of Moiwana.

Mu Ying

Mu Ying was one of the few capable generals who survived the massacre of the Hongwu Emperor.

Myall Creek massacre

Supported by the Attorney General, John Plunkett, Gipps ordered Police Magistrate, Edward Denny Day at Muswellbrook, to investigate the massacre.

Nepalese royal massacre

Subsequently, Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda, the chairman of the Nepalese Maoist Party, in a public gathering claimed that the massacre was planned by the Indian intelligence agency RAW or the American CIA.

A two-man committee comprising Keshav Prasad Upadhaya, the Supreme Court Chief Justice, and Taranath Ranabhat, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, carried out the week-long investigation into the massacre.

Nicola Mancino

Or to explain us why, after calling my brother to meet him when he was interrogating Gaspare Mutolo, just 48 hours before the massacre, he had him meet the Head of Police Parisi and Bruno Contrada, a meeting from which Paolo got out shattered, at the point that he was seen holding two cigarettes at the same time...

Pietro Caruso

Together with Herbert Kappler, the German Gestapo chief in Rome, Caruso organised the massacre in Fosse Ardeatine on 24 March 1944 as revenge for an attack the day before by Italian partisans on a column of German soldiers in Rome.

Plan de Sánchez massacre

On 2 September 1996, Ombudsman Jorge Mario García Laguardia issued a historic resolution in which he denounced the massacre of Plan de Sánchez (and two others that took place in Rabinal the same year: Chichupac and Río Negro) as crimes against humanity, laid the blame for them firmly at the feet of the government and the military, and said that they had been carried out as part of a premeditated state policy.

Ponary massacre

Information about the massacre began to spread as early as 1943, due to the activities and works of Helena Pasierbska, Józef Mackiewicz, Kazimierz Sakowicz and others.

Reportedly haunted locations in Pennsylvania

At the Phillips' Rangers Monument in Hesston at the site of Captain William Phillips and his Rangers massacre at the hands of Indians, the ghost of Phillips is seen standing vigil while every July 16 (the anniversary of the massacre), the Indians and Rangers are observed around the grounds.

Run Barbi Run

Bartolome is a Shakey's pizza delivery boy who witnesses the massacre of the Black Scorpion Gang committed by a group of henchmen while delivering pizza at night.

Samuel W. Koster

Freelance investigative journalist Seymour Hersh broke the story of the massacre to the wider public in November 1969.

Sandy Neilson

In a twist of fate, during the Munich massacre which took place after the day after the swimming events were completed, both Gould and Babashoff were huddled with Neilson in her Olympic Village while the massacre was taking place.

Santa Cruz massacre

The massacre was witnessed by two American journalists—Amy Goodman and Allan Nairn (who were also attacked)—and caught on videotape by Max Stahl, who was filming undercover for Yorkshire Television.

Santa Maria in Porto Altarpiece

The base is decorated by tiles (with the Massacre of the Innocents, Adoration of the Magi and the Presentation in the Temple) which simulated antique bas-reliefs and were inspired by the altar of the basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua by Donatello.

Sjeverin massacre

The Sjeverin massacre was the massacre on 22 October 1992 of 16 Bosniak citizens of Serbia from the village of Sjeverin abducted from a Serbian bus in the village of Mioče, on Bosnian territory.

Szczurowa massacre

The massacre in Szczurowa was the murder of 93 Romani people (also known as Gypsies), including children, women and the elderly, by German Nazi occupiers in the Polish village of Szczurowa on August 3, 1943.

The Anorak

A French translation of the play by Geneviève Charbonneau was performed for the 20th anniversary of the massacre at Université de Montréal.

Thiaroye Massacre

Senegalese author and filmmaker Ousmane Sembène, directed a film, Camp de Thiaroye, documenting the events leading up to the Thairoye massacre, as well as the massacre itself.

Video game controversies

Contrary to certain rumors, however, neither student had made a Doom level mimicking the school's layout and there is no evidence the pair practiced the massacre in Doom.