The Missing Lynx (2008) - Plot: Follows the adventures of a group of animals in their quest to escape from being kidnapped by an unscrupulous hunter, hired by a benevolent millionaire to start a new Noah's ark.
Félix (Felix in the English version), a clumsy and unlucky Iberian lynx, is transported to the animal recovery center at the Doñana National Park, after one of his countless mishaps.
Lynx | Virgin Missing Adventures | Westland Lynx | National Center for Missing and Exploited Children | Minnesota Lynx | Atari Lynx | Missing person | Missing Man Formation (band) | Missing Man Formation | lynx | Eurasian lynx | Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office | BC Missing Women Investigation | Two's Missing | Something's Missing | Peter Missing | Missing You Now | Missing women of Asia | Missing People | Missing in America | Missing Adventures | Lynx (web browser) | Lynx (transportation) | Last Scream of the Missing Neighbors | Iberian Lynx | Iberian lynx | The Missing Lynx | The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter | Stolen and missing moon rocks | Something's Missing (In My Life) |