
2 unusual facts about The New Criterion

David Yezzi

Director of the Unterberg Poetry Center of the 92nd Street Y in New York City from 2001 to 2005, Yezzi has worked as executive editor of The New Criterion, associate editor of Parnassus: Poetry in Review, and on the staff of The New York Observer.

His poems have been published in literary journals including The Atlantic, Poetry, The Yale Review, The Paris Review, The New Republic, Poetry Daily and The New Criterion.

Diana West

Andrew C. McCarthy has come to West's defense in an article in The New Criterion, where he writes West relies on M. Stanton Evans book that comes to the defense of Senator Joseph McCarthy and cites the "groundbreaking scholarship of John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr" to back up Evans' claims.

see also

John O'Brian

In an editorial written for The New Criterion, Hilton Kramer expressed admiration for Greenberg’s criticism but distaste for O’Brian’s politicization of it.

William Virgil Davis

He has published poems in Poetry, The Nation, The Hudson Review, The Georgia Review, The Hopkins Review, The Gettysburg Review, The New Criterion, The Sewanee Review, The Atlantic Monthly, Denver Quarterly, and Shenandoah, among others.