The real pilot, however, of both this series and the preceding CBS show Young Maverick, could be said to be the 1979 TV-movie The New Maverick, which featured both Garner as Bret and Jack Kelly as his brother Bart.
Juanita Bartlett is a television writer best known for The Rockford Files and The New Maverick, both starring James Garner.
Ivers has been fictionalized in several films and numerous television series, including the 1978 TV-movie The New Maverick with James Garner as Bret Maverick and Susan Sullivan as Poker Alice Ivers.
The 1978 TV-movie The New Maverick, featuring Garner as Bret, Frank as Ben, Jack Kelly as Bret's brother Bart Maverick, and Blanchard as Nell, served as the pilot for the series.
List of Maverick episodes | Bret Maverick | Maverick Records | AGM-65 Maverick | The New Maverick | Young Maverick | Samuel Maverick | Maverick Television | Maury Maverick | Samuel Maverick (colonist) | Maverick House Publishers | ''Maverick'' episode | Maverick Concert Hall | Mary Maverick | Lola Maverick Lloyd | Bret Maverick: The Lazy Ace |