
unusual facts about The Old Masters

Ahead of Their Time

Portions of this performance originally found their way on to the Mystery Disc contained on the second box of "The Old Masters" and the Honker Home Video release of Uncle Meat.

see also

Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli

In Paris he made copies after the Old Masters in the Louvre, and admired the oil sketches of Eugène Delacroix.

Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister

The Old Masters are part of the Dresden State Art Collections.

Harry Carmean

Harry Carmean (born August 5, 1922, in Anthony, Kansas) is an American painter known for his figurative paintings based on the work of the old masters.

Henrietta Keddie

She also did educational work, such as Musical Composers and their Works (1875) and The Old Masters and their Pictures for the Use of Schools and Learners in Art (1880), and biographical compendia such as Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover (1898).


DeCosta believed his medium had similar qualities to Maroger medium (Jacques Maroger), the supposed medium of the Old Masters.

Mary Martha Pearson

From 1813 she made copies from the old masters in the gallery of the British Institution in Pall Mall, and in 1815 was awarded a gold medal by the Institution for her copy of Claude's The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba.

Otto Dix

In 1924, he joined the Berlin Secession; by this time he was developing an increasingly realistic style of painting that used thin glazes of oil paint over a tempera underpainting, in the manner of the old masters.

Stian Heimlund Skjæveland

After finishing formal education he independently studied the old masters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Johannes Vermeer, Diego Velázquez, Goya and J.M.W. Turner.