The Poor Man's James Bond is a four book series originally intended for the survivalist-minded, compiled by former American Nazi Party member Kurt Saxon (credited with coining the term "survivalist").
James Bond | James Joyce | James Brown | Spider-Man | James Cook | James Stewart | James II of England | Isle of Man | James Garner | James | James Cameron | James Taylor | James Madison | James May | Man Ray | Henry James | James Cagney | Iron Man | James II | James Caan | James Earl Jones | LeBron James | James Monroe | James Franco | The Six Million Dollar Man | James I | William James | The Music Man | James Wyatt | James, son of Zebedee |
Kurt Saxon, born Donald Eugene Sisco on March 6, 1932, is a survivalist and the author of The Poor Man's James Bond, a series of books on improvised weapons and munitions.