
unusual facts about The Profession of Arms

Fabio Vacchi

Part of Luoghi immaginari, which was composed between 1987 and 1992 and consists of various pieces for various instrumental formations, was included, along with other works of Vacchi, in the soundtrack of The Profession of Arms by Ermanno Olmi.

Sandra Ceccarelli

After spending several years in theatre, she returned to film in 2001 by starring in Ermanno Olmi's film The Profession of Arms and Giuseppe Piccioni's Light of My Eyes, for which she won the Volpi Cup for Best Actress at the 2001 Venice Film Festival.

see also

Antonio de Olaguer y Feliú

External ornaments: the shield had six flags and two banners characteristic of Field Marshals and other ornaments (guns, spears, halberd, sword, drums, etc.) of the profession of arms.