The director James Bond III played the character Doc in the children's television series The Red Hand Gang.
The pier itself is located at berth 259/260 of the Port of Los Angeles and next to the building of the Southern California Marine Institute.
Red Army | International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | American Red Cross | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Red Sea | Red Star Belgrade | Red | Little Red Riding Hood | Detroit Red Wings | Red Bull | Red River | Red Hat | Our Gang | Red Dwarf | International Committee of the Red Cross | Red River of the North | New York Red Bulls | IUCN Red List | Simply Red | Red Wing, Minnesota | Red Skelton | Red Army Faction | Red Fort | Pokémon Red and Blue | Gang of Four | Red Deer, Alberta | Red Deer | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | Red Square | Verdens Gang |