In the television show Futurama, the jingle for Popplers is set to the tune of The Sailor's Hornpipe (Season 2 Episode 15: The Problem with Popplers).
Sailor Moon | sailor | Popeye the Sailor | Two Girls and a Sailor | Sailor Neptune | Sailor | Sinbad the Sailor | Sailor Mercury | Unwed Sailor | The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea (film) | The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea | The Sailor's Hornpipe | Sailor's Mosque | Sailor of the King | Popeye the Sailor (1960s TV series) | Hello Sailor (band) | Hello Sailor | Vladimir Korotkov (sailor) | Vincenzo Onorato (sailor) | Tony Morgan (sailor) | Sailor's Snug Harbor | Sailor's Hornpipe | Sailor's Creek Battlefield Historical State Park | Sailor Pluto | Sailor Moon (English adaptations) | Sailor Moon (anime) | Sailor Jupiter | Sail On, Sailor | Richard Grenville (Elizabethan sailor) | Popeye the Sailor (1933 cartoon) |
The single featured two of Oldfield's previous singles, "Portsmouth" and "In Dulci Jubilo", along with the finale from Tubular Bells, "The Sailor's Hornpipe", and a new track, "Wrekorder Wrondo" that may be based on the song "Cum decore" by Tielman Susato.