The plot of the 2004 movie "The Seat Filler" revolves around a seat-filler who meets a burgeoning pop star during an event.
SEAT | seat | county seat | family seat | Seat of local government | SEAT Sport | SEAT León | SEAT Ibiza | seat belt | Lord's Seat | SEAT Leon | Seat (legal entity) | Seat belt | Seat | Saddle seat | ejection seat | Arthur's Seat | 2003 Open SEAT Godó | win Wilson's Senate seat | toilet seat cover | The Seat Filler | The ''Hof'', former seat of the Prince-abbot | The Back Seat of My Car | Swing (seat) | Seat (territorial-administrative unit) | Seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg | SEAT Marbella | SEAT León Mk1 Mossos d'Esquadra | Seat belt use rates by country | Seat belt legislation in the United States |