The program included such events as an adaptation of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, starring Jason Robards (from the novel by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn); The Seven Little Foys, starring Mickey Rooney, Eddie Foy Jr. and the Osmond Brothers; Think Pretty, a musical starring Fred Astaire and Barrie Chase and Groucho Marx in "Time for Elizabeth", a televised adaptation of a play that Marx and Norman Krasna wrote in 1948.
Deffaa has written and directed in New York such plays as George M. Cohan: In his Own Words (published by Samuel French Inc.,), Yankee Doodle Boy (Drama Source), The George M. Cohan Revue (Baker's Plays), George M. Cohan & Co. (Eldridge Plays), The Seven Little Foys, The Johnny Mercer Jamboree, and Theater Boys.