In "The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase", an episode of the animated TV series The Simpsons, Moe Szyslak receives dating advice from Abraham Simpson, whose ghost is possessing a love testing machine.
The Great Gazoo is also referenced in The Simpsons episode "The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase", a metafictional episode looking at alleged future developments in the series that would never come to pass, which include Ozmodiar, a floating green alien that only Homer could see.
The Simpsons | Spin City | Spin (magazine) | Spin | The Simpsons Movie | Spin Doctors | Springfield (The Simpsons) | Spin Master | spin | The Simpsons (season 5) | The Simpsons Archive | spin doctors | ''Simpsons'' | Corporate spin-off | Astor Showcase | Weave and Spin | The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase | The Simpsons Sing the Blues | The Simpsons (season 2) | The Simpsons (season 1) | Spin Spin Sugar | Spin quantum number | Spin and Marty | Go Simpsonic with The Simpsons | writers from ''The Simpsons'' | Wizard's Convention: Japanese Heavy Rock Showcase | The Young Magician's Showcase | The Simpsons (TV series) | The Simpsons (season 14) | The Simpsons (season 12) |