
3 unusual facts about The Stuff

The Santaroga Barrier

The 1985 movie The Stuff has a similar theme, and makes a reference to a Detective Frank Herbert.

The Stuff

Some of the substance props or stand-ins for the real Stuff used in the movie included lots of Häagen-Dazs ice cream, yogurt, and, for one scene involving an enormous avalanche-like effect of Stuff crashing through a wall, fire-extinguishing foam.

It was exactly the same room used in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) when Johnny Depp's character Glen is sucked into his bed and his blood is regurgitated back out onto the ceiling.

see also

Food Rules

Food Rules! The Stuff You Munch, Its Crunch, Its Punch, and Why You Sometimes Lose Your Lunch, a 2001 book by Bill Haduch

I'm the Slime

"I am gross and perverted. I'm obsessed 'n deranged. I have existed for years, but very little had changed. I am the tool of the Government and industry too, for I am destined to rule and regulate you. I may be vile and pernicious, but you can't look away. I make you think I'm delicious, with the stuff that I say. I am the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet?"

I'm Waiting Here

Stereogum writer Tom Breihan said the song "isn't exactly 'low-down blues,' but you could see how it's Lynch’s version of the stuff. It's a smothered torch song with a narcotized vocal from his guest" and drew comparisons between it and Lynch's "beautiful, faraway" material produced with Julee Cruise for the television series Twin Peaks.

Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.

Robert M. Price: "In an earlier day I feel sure Joe Pulver would have been arrested for writing some of the stuff in this collection. Maybe he will be yet! How can he write, with such intricate delicacy, thunderous prose that fairly rips up the pages it is printed on? I wish I knew!"

Popular beat combo

However, this attribution has never been verified, and remains the stuff of urban legend, despite the efforts of Marcel Berlins, legal correspondent for The Guardian newspaper, to track it down.

Richard Waldron

Walderne was the local magistrate whose stern Puritan action in 1662 toward three persistent Quaker women proselytisers became the stuff of condemnatory poetry by Whittier.

Social media

From Nicholas Carr, "As media theorist Marshall McLuhan pointed out in 1960s, media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation."

Southfield Public Library

; Dr. Seuss prints: Singing Cats; Oh, the Places You’ll Go; Fox in Socks; A Plethora of Fish; Oh, The Stuff You Will Learn

The Dream That Stuff Was Made Of

(The title references the line "The stuff that dreams are made of" from The Maltese Falcon, and, second-handedly, Shakespeare: In Act IV of The Tempest, Prospero says "We are such stuff / As dreams are made on, and our little life / Is rounded with a sleep").

The Stuff of Legend

In 2010, Wilson was nominated for the Russ Manning Most Promising Newcomer Award for his work on The Stuff of Legend.

Wii no Ma

The senior executive at Fuji Television stated that if plans to make the Wii the centerpiece of the living room took off in a meaningful way, it would be "the stuff" of television producers' nightmares.

World Wide Recorder Concert

At first, the boys do not understand what queef means; assuming the New York kids had made the word up, the boys try to get back at them by making up their own word: mung, which as it turns out, is a real word meaning "the stuff that comes out when you push down on a pregnant woman's belly."