Darley signed a contract with Edgar Allan Poe on January 31, 1843, to create original illustrations for his upcoming literary journal The Stylus.
Players can use the stylus and touch screen to test their reflexes in action mini-games like racing and skydiving, take on sporting events such as basketball, curling, and archery, strategize with tank and space combat games, or play match three, Sudoku, and jigsaw puzzles.
Eco Creatures uses the stylus to control three types of small rodents; a Squirrel called Ecolis, a Flying squirrel called Ecomon, and a Beaver called Ecoby.
The collection also features virtual DIP switch modes where the switches can be turned on and off using the stylus, although not nearly as many of the original switches are on it.
The Stylus College of Music and Sound Technology is an accredited career training institution dedicated to music production, Sound Design and music business management and is located in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada.
Another writing implement employed by a smaller population, is the stylus used by blind users in conjunction with the slate for punching out the dots in Braille.