Building on his success with fact-based drama, Hawes embarked on the ambitious project to bring The Suspicions of Mr Whicher to the screen.
Joanna Jeffrees has recently filmed the role of the Nursemaid in The Suspicions of Mr Whicher- The murder in Angel lane', alongside Olivia Colman and Paddy Considine, directed by Christopher Menaul for Hat Trick Productions and ITV.
It is discovered that Constance and her younger brother William Saville-Kent (Charlie Hiett) hate their stepmother Mary (Emma Fielding), their former nanny, and with whom their father had had an affair while their mother was still alive.
When three year-old Saville Kent is found murdered in dreadful circumstances at the family home in Wiltshire, Commissioner Mayne (Tim Pigott-Smith) sends Scotland Yard detective Inspector Jack Whicher (Paddy Considine) to investigate the crime.
Whicher seeks the help of his former colleagues in the Metropolitan Police, including 'Dolly' Williamson (William Beck) and Commissioner Mayne (Tim Pigott-Smith), but, with the exception of Inspector Lock (Shaun Dingwall), they warn Whicher off from interfering in what is a police matter.
A number of high-profile roles followed, including Sasha in Being Human, Beth Partridge in Candy Cabs, and The Suspicions of Mr Whicher, where she played notorious child murderer Constance Kent.