Due in part to the heavy borrowing from US soul songs, many rocksteady songs are love songs; e.g. "Sharing You" by Prince Buster, which is a cover of a Mitty Collier original, and "Queen Majesty" by The Techniques, which is a cover of "Minstrel and Queen" by The Impressions.
Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne | Ingénieur des études et techniques de travaux maritimes | Information Processing Techniques Office | Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (1937) | Copper extraction techniques | 1200 Techniques | X-ray scattering techniques | The Techniques | Techniques of neutralization | “techniques of neutralization” | Techniques d'Avant Garde | List of musical pieces which use extended techniques | Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Ingénieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile | École nationale supérieure des ingénieurs des études et techniques d'armement | Anti-spam techniques |
This is achieved by installing a Semantic wiki and starting to apply interrelations between the techniques of same and different martial arts.
In one of his books, the model posing for the techniques was Ricky Nelson, famous singer and co-star of Ozzie and Harriet TV show, who went on to win his black belt under Tegner's instruction.
Some of Dresser’s metalwork designs are still in production, such as his oil and vinegar sets and toast rack designs, now manufactured by Alessi and Alberto Alessi goes so far as to say Dresser 'knew the techniques of metal production better than any designer who has come to Alessi'.
After this exhibition he went on to further study, and modify, the 'Techniques of the Old Masters' to his own purposes in a selection of work he called Ideas of Truth, and his portfolio The Missing Weapon, which was shown at the Gallery Bernard in Solothurn, Switzerland, in 1968.
Lessore's unique artistic expression did not fit well with the techniques of the other artists in Sèvres and by 1858 Lessore had moved to England to work for English potter Thomas Minton.
This article refers to the techniques proposed in Peter Chen's 1976 paper.
Juanne N. Clarke of Wilfrid Laurier University wrote that the Fascinating Womanhood movement used Kanter's Model of Commitment Mechanisms to analyze the techniques used to gain women's allegiance to the movement.
#Materialist: the equipment, the techniques of organisation and initiating activities, consideration of concrete situations, and concrete relations.
According to Michael Ryan and Melissa Lenos, when doing shot-by-shot analysis, we start with describing the techniques used in the shots or images we are analyzing.
It was a relatively late entrant to the group of porcelain factories set up in Europe as the secrets of the techniques developed by Johann Friedrich Böttger for the Meissen factory in Saxony (established in 1710) gradually leaked out.
Born in Stavroupoli, Greece, Papassavas against his father's will taught himself the techniques of the classical artist at a young age.
The Fallen Leaves are composed entirely of problem drug users, and Wielgus has been instrumental in establishing theatre advocacy within Malaysia, using the techniques of Augusto Boal.
The techniques have been televised by home stylist Ann Maurice in the television show House Doctor on Five.
The techniques and experience of HSBC Finance Corporation are being increasingly exported to other HSBC markets, for example, the establishment of Proa by HSBC Bank Argentina, and new business being established in Poland by HSBC Bank Polska.
Kate took a class in printmaking at the University of Hawaii with Huc-Mazelet Luquiens (1881–1961), and then taught John the techniques.
Influenced by the techniques of Rosa, Lorrain, Poussin, Raeburn and renowned English landscape artist Turner, he developed a broad Romantic style, and became a landscape artist with an established reputation.
His paintings and works on paper, which are abstract and full of diamond-shaped patterns, reflect an ongoing interest in the techniques of Bad Painting in the style of Martin Kippenberger and Albert Oehlen.
Major Avi Nardia (Unit 216 Sayeret Matkal and Yamam Hand to Hand Combat instructor) developed many of the techniques now seen in modern Krav Maga, very specifically many of the gun disarms which were not in historical KAPAP and therefore Krav Maga.
The techniques are practiced barehanded, with a stick (Jō 杖), wooden sword (Bokken 木剣) and sword (Iaito 居合刀), upright or kneeling, with control or with throws, with one partner or many, in a systematic manner or freely.
Yōkai were enjoyed as the subject of kyōka, and with a focus on Ōta Nampo who is well known as a kyōka poet, and imitating the techniques of Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, an event was held where he recited kyōka about a total of one hundred kinds of yōkai, but with the intent of doing it again, he collected together the kyōka, and the book was the result of collecting together only the better of the poems.
In 1931, with the rise of the Nazi party, and the threat it posed—Oswald was after all Jewish—she was forced to emigrate to Paris where she forged a unique new style of French singing incorporating the techniques of German expressionism.
By training, Colinet was a midwife-surgeon who perfected the techniques in Germany of Caesarean section delivery (which hadn't changed since the days of Julius Caesar).
As a singer, he was an expert of the techniques of Ragam-Thanam-Pallavi, a unique style of singing Carnatic music.
Parchment Craft has been predominately used in the making of cards (religious devotional cards, greeting cards and gift cards) but the techniques are being applied to related items such as bookmarks and picture frames as well as 3-dimensional sculptural paper projects such as ornaments and boxes.
The techniques were first developed in late 1977 by Ph.D. student Bodo Linnhoff under the supervision of Dr John Flower at the University of Leeds.
He had learned much of Mughal Alchemy and understood the techniques used to produce various Alkali, soaps and Shampoo.
The Scientific Advisory Group of the United States Air Force, later renamed the Scientific Advisory Board, was established in 1944, when General Henry H. Arnold asked Dr. Theodore von Kármán to establish a group of scientists to review the techniques and research trends in aeronautics.
Directed by famed photographer Danny Clinch, the film shows the techniques used by the band and album producer Tchad Blake, as Phish records what was to be their final album.
In Renaissance Italy, the Branca family of Sicily and Gasparo Tagliacozzi (Bologna) became familiar with the techniques mentioned in the Sushruta Samahita.
The British tradition began later (some time close to, but earlier than, 1700, upon introduction of the techniques from Spanish Florida) than the Spanish (1580), and spread far more widely as a building material, reaching at least as far north as Staten Island, New York, where it can be found in the still-standing Abraham Manee House, erected around 1670.
After returning to Japan he established a unique style, combining the realist techniques of the traditional Japanese Maruyama–Shijo school with Western forms of realism borrowed from the techniques of Turner and Corot.
She taught Adrian Feint the techniques of woodblock-engraving 1926–28, and like her he produced covers for the Ure Smith magazine Home.
He enlisted the help of William Helmore, and they jointly took out patents on the techniques (GB574970 and GB575093).
To achieve their aims and objectives, the organisation provides training to young people on public narative, using the techniques developed by Marshall Ganz who was part of the U.S. President Barack Obama's election campaign, whilst coordinating a series of projects and events each year, including sending a youth delegations to the United Nations Climate Negotiations.