The Thorn starred John Hassberger as Jesus Christ with supporting roles of Bette Midler as the Virgin Mary; James Harrison as Joseph; John Greenburg as John the Baptist; Fred LaBour as the Angel Fred; Richard Pollard as Rabbi Gabriel; Diana David as Salome; and Jack Castor and Chi Chi as queens.
After its premiere showing in Detroit, the film remained underground until it was released by National Entertainment Corp. as The Divine Mr. J a few years later, to capitalize on Midler's growing fame as "The Divine Miss M." Its premiere showing under the new title at the Festival Theater in New York City on May 24, 1974, was picketed by Midler's agent, who also challenged the film's title and marketing in court.
Filmed in 16mm on a shoestring budget, the crew included Paul Josephson on camera and lighting, Craig Reynolds and Jay Cassidy on camera, and Jon Duff on sound recording.
Thorn | John Thorn | The Thorn Birds | Feathered Thorn | Thorn (Toruń) | Thorn EMI | Thorn, Bedfordshire | Matt Thorn | Tracey Thorn | The Thorn Birds (TV miniseries) | Jonathan Thorn | Glastonbury Thorn | William Knapp Thorn | Vikki Thorn | Umbrella Thorn Acacia—''Acacia tortilis'' | thorn | Thomas Thorn | The World Is a Thorn | The Thorn Birds Musical | The Thorn Birds (A New Musical) | Rod Thorn | Robert Thorn | John Thorn (musician) | Deccan thorn scrub forests |
He was also co-publisher of Eidolon Books which published Robin Pen's The Secret Life of Rubber-Suit Monsters, Howard Waldrop's Going Home Again, Storm Constantine's The Thorn Boy, and Terry Dowling's Blackwater Days.
The Thorn EMI Liberator was a laptop word processor, produced in the United Kingdom by Thorn EMI, primarily intended for use by UK Government civil servants.