It was originally broadcast on digital channel BBC Three on 28 October 2008, and repeated on frontline channel BBC One on 3 November.
The episode was originally broadcast on the digital channel BBC Three from 11 pm on Tuesday, 28 October 2008, after the broadcast of the second episode on BBC One.
Tip O'Neill | Tippu Tip | Tri-tip | Tip Top Tailors | Tip Top, Arizona | Tip O’Neill | Tip (gratuity) | tip | Thomas Phillip "Tip" O'Neill Jr. | Ten More Turnips From The Tip | orange tip | Bruce Poon Tip |
The PC and PlayStation covers features Shaquille O'Neal of the Orlando Magic, while the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis box covers show a photo of the tip-off to Game 1 of the 1995 NBA Finals.
He has also thrown a bottle of red ink over André Malraux, the French minister of culture at the time, robbed a bank in Nice of 10 francs using a sawn-off shotgun, and cut the tip off one of his own fingers at an art exhibition in Colombia, V Festival de Performance de Cali, in protest at FARC guerillas holding the French-Colombian politician Íngrid Betancourt hostage.