
unusual facts about The Troop

Max Burnett

In 2008 he created and executive produced the Nickelodeon series "The Troop" along with Chris Morgan and Greg Coolidge.

see also

Arthur Rose Eldred

In August 1912, Eldred was camping with the troop in Orange Lake, New York.

Battle of Two Sisters

Heavily armed, with two machine-guns per section, plus 66 mm rocket launchers and 2-inch mortars, the Troop moved off stealthily into the moonlit night towards a ridge some four km away where Argentine movement had been observed.

Benjamin O. Davis, Sr.

At his post in Fort Duchesne, Utah, he served first as the troop's clerk and later as squadron sergeant major through 1900.

Bird Millman

One of the troop’s new members, Fern Andra, did not return after a brief European tour; later, she resurfaced as a star of German silent film.

Challenger flag

Early in 1987, Chief Justice Warren E. Burger designated the Challenger flag as the official flag of the ceremonies commemorating the United States Constitution bicentennial and he invited the troop to participate in the bicentennial gala in Philadelphia.

Charles Bernardy

From 1775 to 1780, the troop put on shows at Amiens, Cambrai, Strasbourg, Colmar, Paris (at the "théâtre des Petits Comédiens du Bois de Boulogne"), Angers, Le Mans, Aix-en-Provence, Toulon, Marseille, Dijon, Passy, Saint-Quentin, Antwerp and Brussels.

General William Tecumseh Sherman Monument

This escort is intended to symbolize the troop which would take the body of General James B. McPherson from the field of battle.

Hans-Christian Ströbele

During the following years he became opposed to the politics of Green foreign minister Joschka Fischer, in particular the troop deployments in the Kosovo War (1999) as well as Operation Enduring Freedom (2001).

International Boy Scouts, Troop 1

On December 12, 1911, Clarence Griffin and the Scouts, mostly British and all students of Saint Joseph College, the primary and secondary school for foreign boys located on the "Bluff" in Yokohama, gathered at the Gaiety Theater on the Bluff to demonstrate Scouting skills and to officially celebrate the beginning of the troop.

The Troop joined with Japanese and American Scouts on September 24–25, 1949 in Tokyo for the first postwar All-Japan camp held by the Boy Scouts of Japan to celebrate the reorganization of the Japanese Scout association.

James Plimsoll

Plimsoll had a considerable influence on President Syngman Rhee, to whom he conveyed the views of the United Nations and the troop-contributing nations.

Mademoiselle Montansier

She and 85 artistes and employees of her theatre followed the armies of Charles François Dumouriez into the Austrian Netherlands, helping at the battle of Jemmapes and then taking over the leadership of the troop at the Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels in January 1793 (renaming that company "Comédiens de la République française").

Octave Meynier

Only a few days later a mutiny among the troop brought to Voulet and Chanoine's death, and Meynier became mith Paul Joalland commander of the expedition, completing its main goal, the union of French West Africann possessions.

Operation Colossus

Three Italian-speaking interpreters were attached to the troop for the duration of the operation: Squadron Leader Lucky MC, Rifleman Nasri from the Rifle Brigade and a civilian named Fortunato Picchi, a waiter in the Savoy Hotel.

Reginald Spencer Browne

In September Major General Legge sent for him to replace the commander of the 6th Infantry Brigade who had drowned following the torpedoing of the troop transport Southland.

Saverne Affair

In the next two days, the soldiers moved to the troop training grounds in Oberhofen (near Haguenau) and Bitche.

Scouting and Guiding in Bahrain

The troop's membership generally is drawn from Americans and occasionally foreign nationals attending Bahrain School.