
unusual facts about The Virgin Queen

Elizabeth Raleigh

In the film The Virgin Queen (1955) Elizabeth Throckmorton (referred to as Beth Throgmorton in the film) is portrayed by Joan Collins.

Thomas Phelippes

This scene is recreated in the 2006 TV miniseries The Virgin Queen, starring Anne-Marie Duff as Elizabeth I, and Vincent Franklin as Phelippes.

see also

Lincoln Castle Academy

Tracy Borman (1988 to 1990) PhD Historian, author of Henrietta Howard: King’s Servant, Queen’s Mistress, Elizabeth’s Women: Friends, Rivals and Foes Who Shaped the Virgin Queen and Queen of the Conqueror: The Life of Matilda, Wife of William I as well as regular appearances on television for BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky.

The Monument of Matrones

The Monument was compiled by Thomas Bentley, then a student of Gray's Inn, in a bid for royal patronage, and issued by the printer Henry Denham in 1582, just as the cult of Elizabeth I as the Virgin Queen was emerging.