
unusual facts about The Wallace

The Wallace

The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace, an epic poem about the life of William Wallace by the Scottish writer Blind Harry

see also

Action at Lanark

Fictionalised versions of this incident have appeared in various accounts of the Wallace's life, notably in the 1995 film Braveheart, where his wife was called Murron MacClannough.

Harry S. Truman Historic District

He would live with family members in his early life, then the Wallace House, rented apartments and houses in Washington (including 4701 Connecticut Avenue), Blair House (the official state visitors residence), and the White House, but never a house that he had purchased.

J.H. Miller

He sold agricultural implements in the village and served as a councillor for the Rural Municipality of Wallace.

Mayhayley Lancaster

Thirty-two years later, in 1947, the 71-year-old Mayhayley Lancaster took part in the Wallace trial, later described in the book Murder in Coweta County.

Ralph James Mooney

Ralph James Mooney is the Wallace & Ellen Kaapcke Professor emeritus of Business Law at the University of Oregon School of Law.

Sharon Butala

As head of the Eastend Arts Council she spearheaded the creation of the Wallace Stegner House Residence for Artists in which Wallace Stegner's childhood home was turned into a retreat for writers and artists.