
unusual facts about The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Third Annual Collection

The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Third Annual Collection

Jay Lake and Ruth Nestvold: "The Canadian Who Came Almost All the Way Back From the Stars"

Speculative poetry

They were succeeded by more serious venues including the US-based The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF) (1949–), the UK-based flagship of the New Wave movement New Worlds while it was under the editorship of Michael Moorcock between 1964 and 1970, and the annual reprint anthologies of F&SF and The Year's Best Science Fiction edited by Judith Merril.

The Year's Best Horror Stories

Veterans among the contributing authors included Brian Lumley, David Drake, Eddy C. Bertin, Kit Reed, Lisa Tuttle, R. Chetwynd-Hayes, Ramsey Campbell, Richard Matheson, Robert Bloch, Stephen King, and Tanith Lee; some of the then-newcomers to the field featured were Al Sarrantonio, Dennis Etchison, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Juleen Brantingham, and Nina Kiriki Hoffman.

The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Eighth Annual Collection

Lavie Tidhar: "The Spontaneous Knotting of an Agitated String"

Twenty Bucks

Twenty Bucks is a 1993 film that follows the travels of a $20 bill from its delivery via armored car in an unnamed American city through various transactions and incidents from person to person.

see also